So either later today or early tomorrow, look for the BIG announcement of the winners from the pilgrimgirl survey contest. I’m so excited to choose the winners! :)
And in the meantime, this brief post to give you something to think about today….
–Someone in Egypt typed the following search term this weekend and hit my blog: “in photos how to gag a woman.” Don’t even want to know why anyone would search on such an awful topic. IMO, it’s one thing to search for porn (yuck), it’s a whole separate issue when people are searching for ways to improve their torture skills. I’m feeling a bit sick to my stomach right now.
–some other interesting searches that recently brought people to pilgrimgirl:
Jana in bed
great mormon handmade christmas gifts
this is hell
hairy armpit women photos
former temple mormon book autobiography
walk by faith tattoo
words for feminists
stories women onelegged crutches sex
temple dresses