-John saying sexy things to me with different accents. Knowing that I like his fake Japanese accent the best.
-Walking the aisles of Henry’s market last night. Spending time in front of the tea selections and making the choice of a lovely tin of fair trade & organic tea. Then drinking that tea for breakfast with a toasted sprouted-wheat fruit bar (yum).
-Doing the king dancer pose yesterday in yoga class. Realizing that I’ve regained my ability to balance on each side. (My teacher’s awe–“Jana, something is just working for you now”) Reveling in how beautiful that felt–even when I needed to lean on the wall for a bit of support.
-The scent of the cantaloupe melon that I will eat when I return from teaching later today.
-Starting the first of my “must-do-when-I’m-done-with-my-exams home projects: recovering the seats of our LR chairs in some rich black corduroy fabric (I got the fabric free from a friend about 2 years ago).
-Time with friends. Eating with old friends, new friends, and friend Friends. Having a social life again! (Wanna go out to lunch? Give me a call and let’s do it!)
-Driving the kids to school this morning and (finally) feeling some of the burden of the past few weeks (and months) lifted off of my shoulders. No more creases on my brow, between my eyes. The joy of stepping out barefoot in the morning sun and actually anticipating a carefree day.