- Good morning! http://instagr.am/p/JUMg9/ #
- We're heading out now to spend our first night in the new house. Woot! #Janastartsover #
- Kids to me at dinner: "Mom, you're a better teenager than we are." #truth :) #
- Totally geeking out today about using WordPress for Task Management: http://bit.ly/qk7F4T #
- MT @ReginaNigro
Chloe is an excellent actress but can we agree Emily the Strange should be animated, not live action? http://bit.ly/o6MD9R # - The theme song for my move this week, thanks for the inspiration @patrick_mj! http://youtu.be/XgEfYGzojcA #Janastartsover #bringit2011 #
- Yellowtail sashimi @sushiwave is better than dessert! http://lockerz.com/s/125533762 #
- Just spent an hour over at the new house, enjoying the back porch. I can't believe how ready I am for this! #Janastartsover #bringit2011 #
- Haven't even opened this drawer since I started using @zotero. so much paper! #Janastartsover http://lockerz.com/s/123400212 #
- MT @grannybike: this sounds like a lot of the people in my life. http://t.co/AXISIvi // mine, too. #
- Most of my drawers at work are empty except this one…. http://instagr.am/p/I04Qm/ #
- RT @westcenter: RT @NiemanLab: Move over, Spaghetti Western! Here is a Cereal Western. About Marshall McLuhan. http://nie.mn/pWYxLf #
- MT @anselm: always love the fog around here http://t.co/N8FYhik // oh, so beautiful & serene! #
Twitter Weekly Digest for @janaremy, 2011-08-05
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