- I think I could get quite used to this look… @ Chapman University http://instagr.am/p/Ec22h/ #
- MT @lauriek: North Carolina woman with Stage 4 breast cancer loses custody of her kids. Words fail me: http://bit.ly/kAayU0 #
- RT @alogemann: In August, "student loans surpassed credit cards as the nation’s largest single source of debt": http://bit.ly/ho4B9T #
- Fast Food Burger Taste Test: (fortunately, there's a 5-Guys & an In-n-Out near #ChapmanU : http://bit.ly/lyAjSm #
- RT @edwardoneill: If twitter makes us stupid, haikus are positively DANGEROUS. http://nyti.ms/jjEyWC #
- I know how this little guy feels (the ocean just kind of does this to me, too): http://youtu.be/RtxTW394L_4 (h/t Briandy) #
- Via @clankyrobot: Jacarandas & purple food (eggplant hummus): http://youtu.be/XyWtHNBk_sk #
- RT @studentactivism: What Jesse Cheng's resignation as Student Regent tells us about the University of California: http://bit.ly/kUaqNc #
- A comic, for all of you scientific women (like me): http://bit.ly/kAuWyN (h/t JohnW) #
- Tonite, paddled in headwinds down the Newport channel while a gigantic orange moon emerged on the far horizon. #thisisthelife #outrigger #
- RT @studentactivism: Again, the single stupidest sentence in the @PsychToday piece on black women's attractiveness: http://bit.ly/mr3Zgr #
- Such pretty tasty fishes for dinner! @ Sushi wave http://instagr.am/p/ETu6t/ #
- This offensive & misogynistic sign hangs in the #UCI ARC weight room. Unbelievable. #UCIrvine http://lockerz.com/s/102044265 #
- Me, too! // RT @jeffhester: Missing WordCamp OC Dev Day, but oh how I needed that sleep! Great job, guys! @brandondove @jeffreyzinn #
- A few pics from #wcoc http://on.fb.me/lm0b4c #nerdtopia #
- What do you use WP multi-site for? I use it for #ChapmanU course-related blogs/sites & for faculty ePortfolios #wcoc #
- RT @pamelaezell: @sammyvillarreal You are so welcome. Spread the word: We will post all sessions next week WordPress.tv #WCOC #
- .@EmpressNorton Men saying that there are fixed rules for color use in design. Women saying that all color choices can work. #wcoc in reply to EmpressNorton #
- Design debate in Room #3 is starting to align along gender lines. weird. #wcoc @marcymassura #
- RT @redcrew: Wish "above the fold" myth wouldn't keep surfacing. Here's link w/ lots of references: http://bit.ly/jpQAQ0 #wcoc #ux #
- MT @TheFrosty: BTW. Who is joining us for waffle sandwiches after #wcoc before the Pre-party. // I'm in! #bruxie #nottacos #
- look for branding colors on labs.ideeinc.com #wcoc #self-branding #
- RT @scottschang: Podcasting (like blogging) is not revenue model. Helps to establish expertise and authority #wcoc #
- You don't have to ping iTunes manually anymore when you create a new episode (I didn't know this!). #wcoc #
- If you want to make $ off of your podcast, you'll need advertisers. #wcoc #
- For podcasting: get a good microphone (in the range of $75-$100), not a $10 headset. Use Audacity editing software (it's free!) #wcoc #
- RT @aprildavila: For the caffeine junkies at #wcoc nearest coffee is in the library rotunda. Tweet if you need directions. #
- Add feedburner to podcast for a consistent feed address, even if you change hosting services #wcoc #
- The comprehensive solution for podcasters: WordPress and the Podpress plugin #wcoc #
- Now in podcasting with #wordpress session–looking for ideas for @Mhpodcast #ocwc #
- RT .@alexjvasquez @hensel puts her twitter handle on each of her slides. Presenters should take note. ;) #wcoc #
- RT @chrislema: My slides for my #wcoc wordpress talk on launching your site is now online: http://slidesha.re/m6zpxd #fb #in #
- RT @Geoff_Smith: Most awesome random tweet RT @marcymassura: What I have learned so far at #WCOC Developers like beards. #
- RT @Geoff_Smith: "If anyone is using IE6 still please leave through this door" @JoshHighland #wcoc #NerdProblems #Awesome #
- RT @mattersofgrey: awesome description of tls/ssl encryption: "some seriously scary technical voodoo magic" #wcoc #
- now in session about integrating social media with #wordpress by @kolegreyson @krocketkids #wcoc #
- Plugins that Chris Lema recommends for every #wordpress install: #wcoc http://lockerz.com/s/101620857 #
- .$3/mo hosting services are too good to be true, & probably vulnerable to server-level attacks #wcoc #
- Just tipped the coffee urn to get the last drops of available caffeine from the breakfast bar #wcoc #ithadtobedone #
- RT @janaremy: .@beaulebens used Presentation plugin for wordpress to create his 'slides' for his Jetpack talk @darylkoop #wcoc #
- .@beaulebens used Presentation plugin for wordpress to create his 'slides' for his Jetpack talk @darylkoop #
- Standing room only sessions at #wcoc http://instagr.am/p/EPb4S/ #
- Jetpack gives wordpress.com features on self-hosted site #wcoc #
- So glad to finally score a chair in room 2 at #wcoc #standingroomonly #
- RT @codyL: chapman university is a great venue! it's a pleasure to be here for #wcoc // so glad to have you here! #chapmanu #
- RT @Zengy: The #ocwc genius bar is open for business #wcoc #wordcamp #
- Standing room only at #wcoc #buddypress workshop http://lockerz.com/s/101578051 #
- Huge crowd for the #wcoc keynote at #chapmanu today! #wordpress http://lockerz.com/s/101570497 #
- Presenters at #wcoc -having problems logging in to the podium computers? DM me & I'll give you a hand. #
- RT @jeffhester: Get the full #WordCamp OC schedule, including links to the live streams: http://t.co/sbqZI69 #wcoc #WordPress #
- Great #wcoc meetup with @dremeda @toddhuish @sethshoultes @brandondove & more–so much plugin love. And…so excited for tomorrow! #
- MT @jmcclurken: Dance like nobody's watching. Love like you've never been hurt. Develop software like the end user has your home address. #
- MT @dremeda: RT @stickergiant: @brandondove #wcoc stickers (woot!) http://flic.kr/p/9GVss5 #
- So excited that the sold-out OC Wordcamp at #ChapmanU is just hours away now! #wordcamp #ocwc http://bit.ly/ijXTnn #
- Such a great Chronicle article about using Twitter in the classroom, http://bit.ly/iPaCqK #blearning #
Twitter Weekly Digest for @janaremy, 2011-05-20
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