- Walking the dark streets of SouthPas w/ a cup of hot tea. Drinking it all in (the trains, the shops, etc). Realizing that, yes, I am happy. #
- Waiting for a friend & I stumble upon a used bookshop & some poetry: http://brizzly.com/pic/421K. #southpasadena #
- How'd you do on your #worksprint I added a new primary source to current chapter & gave it some necessary explanation/context. #
- Ok, folks, here we go! #45min #worksprint Report in at half past the hour! #
- Who's up for a 45min #worksprint at 45 after the hour? #
- Resolution #1 gotta get some party/going out clothes. Wearing my givingpaperataconfoutfit to a social gathering is too dorky even for me. #
- How did your #worksprint go? I wrote a new section for my current chapter. Still going… #
- Ok, folks, #worksprint starts now! Report back in 45min. Ready…Set…Go! #
- Who's in for a 45min #worksprint at the top of the next hour? #thischapterisntgoingtowriteitself :) #
- How was your #worksprint I started a new section for a chapter after doing some misc edits. #slowlybutsurely #
- Here we go on the next #worksprint Check in at 45 after the hour and share what you accomplished! Ready….Set…Go! #
- Ok, folks: 45 min #worksprint starting at the top of the hour. #
- Will be doing #worksprints later today. Starting in about 2 hours. Who's in? #
- Yes, Virginia, girls can be geeks, too: http://bit.ly/gHEGGy #
- Heater thermostat on the fritz. (Female) landlord said I'd need to 'find a man' to fix it. Phooey. Fixed it myself :) #
- How to know if it's not worth reconciling: http://bit.ly/e9EdR2 (and thanks for bringing a smile to my Monday!) #
- Monday morning fail: forgot my lunch and my reader badge, and forgot to charge my bionic knee. Sigh. Hoping for a productive afternoon. #
- In sushi heaven: http://brizzly.com/pic/41IN. :). #yumyumyum #
- In sushi heaven: #
- Kiddos gave me the sweetest-ever Christmas gift. #happytears #thebestpresentisjustbeingwiththem #
- who wants to come over & help me wrap presents after the kiddos go to bed? :) #
- Shaking fist skyward…why isn't _Angle of Repose_ available in Kindle format? Might re-read _Crossing to Safety_ instead… #
- Lazy sunporch morning (yum): http://brizzly.com/pic/416Y #
- RT @mcsweeneys: Jesus Christ Decides He Doesn't Want to Celebrate His Birthday This Year. http://bit.ly/hm9Kx1 // snigger #
Daily Archives
December 31, 2010
Today in sunny Pasadena, rambling through the Huntington gardens, one can’t help but feel more than a little bit blue. By blue I don’t mean sad, I mean staring into the blue blue sky and being overwhelmed with its beauty blue (my thoughts in this vein inspired by William Gass–many thanks to David for the recommendation & my very own copy of On Being Blue):
[flickrslideshow acct_name=”pilgrimgirl” id=”72157625414624608″]