Yes, I’m afraid that poor Sushi probably was doomed from the beginning. He was a betta and would try to ‘fight’ himself when we put a mirror to his bowl. Such strangeness.
Sarahk, you are a sick, sick woman. But I like you that way. :)
I had three betas over eight years named Sushi, Sushi 2, and Sushi 3. They lived a long time for betas. Two died from old fish age and one I accidentally killed by not de-chlorinating the water. They were fun and I need to get another one.
Isn’t a pet fish named Sushi rather doomed from the start?
I once had a mouse named Chicken Tonight. He was intended as a meal for my boa constrictor, who turned out not to be hungry.
Yes, I’m afraid that poor Sushi probably was doomed from the beginning. He was a betta and would try to ‘fight’ himself when we put a mirror to his bowl. Such strangeness.
Sarahk, you are a sick, sick woman. But I like you that way. :)
Um…I love that the mouse was named “Chicken Tonight”!
Anyway, a cat won’t go and die on you without bugging you a whole lot first. Sheesh. Mine won’t even let me sleep eight hours uninterrupted.
Also? I just noticed that my “word verification” for posting this comment? …is “DEADER”! Hah!
That’s really funny, and also sad, but mostly funny. Also, that’s really clever name for a pet fish.
And I love cats too.
I had three betas over eight years named Sushi, Sushi 2, and Sushi 3. They lived a long time for betas. Two died from old fish age and one I accidentally killed by not de-chlorinating the water. They were fun and I need to get another one.
That’s awesome!
I love your confessions. They always make my day.