Back in 1990 or so I wore this dress when I was a bridesmaid in a friend’s wedding. I liked the dress and thought the fit was flattering. I’ve also always been a sucker for plaid taffeta (my fav dress as a young girl was red plaid taffeta).
Well this pic was taken in 2000, when I was still wearing this dress at least once/yr. Recently I put together some FaceBook pics of numerous formal dates on which I wore this same dress. I was pretty surprised–I hadn’t realized just how much I’d liked it until I thumbed through all those old pictures!
With Ryan
With Todd
With Aaron
At Steph’s wedding
So now I wonder how weird it is that I’ve worn this same dress for so many events? I tend to have a fairly small wardrobe of clothes that I really love. I’m not the kind of gal that gets a new dress for every occasion.
How about you? Do you have some favorite clothes that you’ve worn repeatedly through the years?