Just survived an earthquake in the hospital. We’re on the 3rd floor and things really shook but stayed intact. John and Catgirl were close at hand–it was CG’s first real earthquake experience. What a memorable one that will be!
I am feeling pretty good today. The wound is feeling better, the PICC line means no more IVs, and we are trying a new antibiotic because of my allergic reaction to the previous one. Everything is looking up!
I do hope that all that were hit harder by the quake will be okay.
5.8 at Chino Hills/Yorba Linda area. I’m in Utah but was just google chatting with a friend in Burbank when it hit. Thought of you right away when I pulled up the USGS online quake map and noticed how close Irvine is! Am very glad to hear your healing continues unabated.
Yeah, that was a big one, and a long one too. Uh, the earthquake that is. So long that after 10 seconds or so I decided I better crawl under my desk.