Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come.
You wait and watch and work: You don’t give up.
~Anne Lamott
Friends, I’m at a bit of a crossroads on the path to healing right now. If all goes well over the next few days, much more aggressive treatment may be avoided. So if you have a spare moment, can you send a little healing energy my way? Happy pictures, thoughts, things to make me laugh–are all good medicine.
Thank you for caring and thank you for the continued magic of our bloggerly community.
i’m posting my good cheer for you on my blog, since i can’t post pictures here.
and i’m keeping you in my prayers. or, to use the quaker phrase i find so enigmatic but beautifully fitting, i’ll hold you in the light
I’m sending you all my good energy today, I hope things get better for you very soon. Take care.
I send lots of positive, happy, and floaty energy because I now have muscle relaxants and my back feels nice and loose.
I am holding you in the light my Friend.
I’m not much of one for deep or funny thoughts. But, FWIW you are in my thoughts today. I hope everything gets better!
Love, love, love, love, love.
Good thoughts of light, healing power, and general goodness are on their way.
Take good care of yourself.
Lighting candles for you now.
Thinking about you today, and hoping things go well!
I’ll send you all the positive energy I can muster, and sing a healing chant for you in hopes that good vibrations will ripple your way.
Just a note to tell you that the “Two Yellow Roses for Jana” are in my neighbor’s front yard.
You are getting better even as we speak…
Much love and healing wishes coming your way, my dear!
Yikes. My own health mojo doesn’t seem to be terribly fabulous right now, but naturally I wish you WELL. And I wish it to happen SOON and for a LONG TIME.
You are in my prayers tonight…
Jana, Of course I will send you a healing. All you have to do is ask. Remote healings don’t have quite the same impact as those given personally, but they are good medicine anyway. I do hope your body gets into an aggressive healing mode on its own, and you see the changes you are looking for.
This has been quite the spring for you. I really do enjoy checking into your blog and catching a glimpse of your world.
Of course. You bet.