This is a wee strawberry blossom. Can’t wait to see it bear fruit (yum!).
Today my lil’ sister complimented me on my photos. That is high praise, indeed, coming from an artist like she is–a painter, quilter, and decorator. Yesterday I ordered some prints of my garden pics for hanging in the groovy frames that John picked up for me at Ikea last week. :)
i like most of them too. the shadows on this one don’t work for me, though.
i’m not an artist or a quilter, but my twin sister is.
Oh, what variety of strawberries has pink blossoms? I’ve only ever seen white.
Mmmm…strawberries. It’ll be June or July here before the first crop of locals come ripe.
That was me in that previous post. I hit “return” instead of “tab” because I have not had enough coffee. Sorry.
I wish I could remember where I found the pink-blossom strawberries and what they were called. It was one of those half-off deals last fall where I picked up a bunch of sickly looking plants from a nursery shelf. This one has limped along all winter and just recently woke up and is looking lovely. FWIW, the rest of my strawberries have white blossoms :)
dcb: the most recent batch of photos were taken at noonday in full sun. I’m not very pleased with them, either. But I’m learning much about lighting and shadows and such in the process of realizing what I _don’t_ like about these.
i actually clicked on comment to say that i love the light and shadow on this one. it makes this little bloom look almost other-worldly.
Jana, where do you order your prints? And also, I love your photos. It’s fun to be your flickr friend.