Friends, Readers, Countrywomen:
My curiosity is getting the best of me. I want to know more about each of you and why you visit my blog. So I’ve put together this very unscientific survey to get feedback from each of you. Please respond and email it to me here: phddillyat yahoo dawtcom. If you wish to fill out the survey anonymously, you may do so by leaving an anon comment on this post. Those who submit a survey via email will be entered into a PRIZE DRAWING. Yep, you heard that correctly: I will randomly select one of the respondents to receive their choice of a $10 donation to their favorite charity or an enlarged print of one of my photos (you choose the size and photo you’d like–up to 11″x14″–and I’ll have it shipped to you from I will draw the winner on March 30th.
Email address: (only necessary if you want to win the prize)
Blog address:
Tell me a little bit about yourself (such as age; sex/gender; region; religion; pets; milk or dark chocolate?):
How did you originally find pilgrimgirl?
How long have you been a reader?
How frequently do you read?
Do you use a Reader or a Blog Aggregator to check for updates? If so, which one(s)?
What types of posts are your favorites: photo, make me smile, deep thoughts, feminism, religion, (dis)ability, if this is you, poetry, etc?
What types of posts do you skim or skip?
What would you like to see more of at pilgrimgirl?
If you could change one thing about this blog, what would it be?
What are your 3 favorite blogs?
Why do you read blogs?