Dear Readers:
I am tired and more than a bit discouraged tonite. I’ll probably wrap myself in my favorite black sweater and curl up with a pirated episode of an HBO show in a moment (thanks JohnW!). A mindless diversion to finish off a long day.
But you, can you send me something to get tomorrow off to a great start? Can you tell me what’s made you smile lately? Because hearing your joys will undoubtedly be a huge boost for me.
This should do the trick.
Curling up next to you, pronto. :)
I have had a few rough days lately, but amazingly enough for the last two nights as soon as I got home the neighborhood cat, Trinity(how Matrix is that?) has come up to visit me at the door, and this is a little bit funny as I haven’t seen her around lately. Last night she even let me hold her for an extended period of time while she talked to me, which is completely not normal for her.
I have had so many bad days in the past when a cat just crossed my path and made everything a tiny bit better and I always feel like it is some sort of sign from God or at least something in the universe telling me that there is something soft and innocent to bring a smile to my face. It’s kind of a simple and random thing, but it always makes me smile.
Found a package in the mailbox containing some European dark chocolates from an old friend yesterday, after spending the day thinking I had been skunked for V-day. Such a treat!
Good morning!
How’s this: Your blog is one of the most enjoyable and interesting blogs I know, and one of few that I read regularly. I love the spirit and its seemingly uncensored feel. What a great family, too!
Jana~ I planted a few herbs last weekend fresh from Home Depot and they have grown enough that I think I can harvest some this weekend. I’m already looking for good recipes to try. My little herb garden is making me smile this weekend!
Also, it’s supposed to be 81 degrees in Orange County today….
Hey, wanna come over for tea on Sunday afternoon? That would make me smile!
Growing Herbs? 81 degrees? Southern California sounds like another planet! It is 22 here now, and was 10 degrees when I left the house this morning. I did finish my seed orders last weekend, which made me feel warm despite the temperature.
So I have another thing you can smile about: Your weather is WAY more comfortable than mine at the moment.
You guys ROCK! Thank you so much for sharing your serendipities and good wishes. :) Today has been a good one!
Because it’s been in the 80s today (my apologies to Gray!) I spent midday in the garden. Hoed, raked and amended 3 garden beds. Planted some broccoli, peas, and strawberries. I suspect that I’ll be back to the garden again tomorrow digging out the dead peach tree, tending to weedy places, and trimming my larger herb bushes. :)
Catbonny: someday soon I will tell the story of how I came to love cats. Like you, they have been there for me just when I’ve needed them! :)
I’m late here, but….
I’m coming up with a Latin lesson plan for black history month. This weekend I’m making my students read up on Rosa Parks and find great quotes from civil rights leaders, and we’ll do something Latiny with all this on Tuesday. It’s making me happy to actually do something a bit socially relevant in my classroom.
Caroline: What a cool activity! Your students must really enjoy your class :)
Hmm . . .download “Painting by Chagall” by the Weepies from iTunes. Reminds me of the Love you and John so clearly encompass.
How is it that every liberal I know is a complete and total thief when it comes to media? How do you justify that? Maybe Ill copy every thing you have ever written and claim it is mine.