- This might be the 1st year that the squirrels haven't eaten all of my peaches http://t.co/U5zj5alr #
- Prepping dinner in the evening sun #happysimplethings http://t.co/Zd8GdUM4 #
- Confession: I do love me a wooden pencil & bought myself an old-school crank sharpener for my office: http://t.co/OsH3shoj #lifeofahistorian #
- Our first course: trout #sotasty @ A Wolf In Sheeps Clothing http://t.co/oze1OijW #
- Wow, Gameboy is attending his senior prom tonite. :) #timeflies #somedaysitfeelslikehesgrowinguptoofast #
- Still hard to believe that this is where I was last Friday (in Volterra, Tuscany) #europe2012 http://t.co/DClpKqo2 #
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