- Scheming with @lockholm (& @drboa) to take a train trip to Chicago made a sad moment a bit happier. :) #suchawesomefriends #
- The comments on this post about Mormons & suicide are so worth reading: http://bit.ly/k6GaIp #LDS #
- Pondering the ethics of hiring an ODesk'er to transcribe historical ledgers into an .xls file. They're asking $2/page. #lifeofahistorian #
- RT @MaraHvistendahl: Awesome RT @mocost Slideshow of pages from the notebooks of eminent scientists and naturalists http://t.co/knCworK #
- Friday meetup in Salt Lake at Wild Grape Bistro, 8pm. DM me if I can expect to see you there!: http://bit.ly/jXeD8M #
- MT @westcenter: "Confessions of an impatient historian" http://slidesha.re/kMfcLl @wragge #
- Homemade nicoise salad for dinner #yum http://lockerz.com/s/110803152 #
- Gettin' Real in the Whole Foods Parking Lot (they've even got my car in this video…) http://bit.ly/km9GWc (h/t @travelerlauren #
- Just learned that Utah still has ski resorts open(!) #weekendhereIcome #
- A perfect lunch! Crabcakes at Cafe Lucca (yum!) http://lockerz.com/s/110425251 #
- An 'inspirational' youtube clip from the Book of Mormon musical: http://youtu.be/tggtPHDmrR8 (reminds me of so many RMs I used to know) #
- RT @ellantoby: Fezzik, are there rocks ahead? If there are we'll all be dead! #ThePrincessBride #
- RT @ellantoby: I'm not left handed either. #ThePrincessBride #
- Just watched "Princess Bride" for the 1st time in MANY years. It still makes me giggle & I loved hearing the kids recite the best parts! #
- Anyone want to meet up next Friday evening (the 17th) in Salt Lake City? :) #
- Gawande at Harvard's commencement, reminds me why my 19th-century dissertation research on medicine is still relevant http://nyr.kr/keK3sH #
- In a fit of nostalgia, just signed up for home delivery of the Sunday NYTimes. #theresnothinglikealittleinkonyourfingersonaSundaymorn #
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