Lately I’ve been meeting a lot of people “in real life” that I’ve only known online previously. Many have remarked that I look quite different than my photos portray me (most say I look younger than my photos, which is certainly flattering). So….I’m curious…for those of you who know me in meatspace, would you be willing to take a look at the flickr photoset of my pictures and tell me which one(s) look the most like me? I’m looking to update my various online avatars and want to do so with pictures that are both flattering and more accurate as to my real ‘look.’
Also, if you’re a photographer, you’re more than welcome to have a go at helping me take some better pictures–but I should reveal upfront that I’m not always the most agreeable subject (as in the photo above where I got quite tired of posing for a friend who was trying to take a serious picture of me…)
Picture above taken by Jessawhy.
I like this one that you used in this post! It’s a great grin!
that photo may be my favorite ever
I’d have to agree with Marta. I think that photo is rather darling of you, Jana!
Either the one above or this one:
Meatspace…ha ha ha!
Hi Jana. This is a great idea. I should get some photos up on Flickr and ask friends to help with the same project. I looked at the first couple of pages of your flickr stream and picked out 3 that look a lot like you!
I think they all look like you – beautiful, mischievous, uncompromisingly you. Love the buff muscular back photos. I also love the image of you in the water with your leg up, smiling. For some reason the IMG_9177 is the one that seems the most you to me, though. Which is weird because it’s out of focus and there’s more ocean than face, but somehow it looks like the camera accidentally caught your eye as you were passing (though you were probably holding it up). Anyway, that’s the one I pick.
I LOVE the picture in this post–it captures your spirit so perfectly!
I love this photo, too. It makes me laugh because we were having so much fun shooting those pictures.
I think the Exponent shot doesn’t look a lot like you, only because it’s so small and the lighting is bright on your face.
And any picture where you’re not smiling doesn’t remind me of you :)
Will I see you at the Claremont conference next weekend? A bunch of us from AZ are flying in.
Jess: I will probably be doing dissertation work at the Huntington on the 5th, so probably not. How long will you all be in town?