I really really really want to write a long blogpost about my experiences from this past week and my meetings with scholars in NorCal.
I am home. And I just need to be home for a few hours.
I have so much work calling my name, it might be a few days before I get to share all that I’ve learned with you.
In the meantime, let me share just one little thing. Last week while I was staying with my friend Barbara, we decided to go rock climbing at Mission Cliffs. It was sort of a spontaneous adventure and because I didn’t have my beach/sport leg on hand, I climbed as a uniped. And you know what? It felt so right. I clambered up the wall face faster than ever before–hopping from one “hold” to the next with my one foot, and using my arms to pull me up each time. I felt so free and strong hanging on that wall and now I can’t wait to go back and try it that way again. I didn’t get a picture of myself up on the wall last week, but here’s one of me climbing bipedally from a few months ago…
Climbing with you was a truly awesome experience, Jana! Can’t wait to do it again. Get a picture of yourself unipedding it up that wall soon! You rock (no pun intended : )
That is amazing!
We went to a hemophilia family camp this weekend and they had a really tall rock wall. Jaxon (age 8) went up twice which was so exciting for him because when he tried it 2 years ago he couldn’t get up at all.
I’ve always loved climbing, so I decided to give it a try. It wasn’t the physical difficulty that made it hard for me, it was the anxiety. I found myself scared of being so high (perhaps it was being outside?) and having to calm myself down with breathing techniques and just focus on getting to the top. But, I conquered my fear and I made it!
So, I just wanted to say that I’m glad you had a good time climbing as a uniped. It’s important to take on new challenges and push through the obstacles to accomplish goals.
I love your new blog! I don’t know how I missed your switch.
It looks great.