My Mom’s latest creation, held together by safety pins because it still needs quilting.
The colors of this piece render me rather speechless. It’s such a perfect cacophony, all on its own.
I’d intended for today to be a day of peace and serenity. I got up fairly early and had the first few hours of the morning to myself. Lovely.
But things didn’t go so smoothly from there on out. I went to Quaker Meeting, but had some things on my mind that made it difficult to relax into the silence. I felt disconnected and had a sense of urgency about some pressing matters that made me second-guess my being there. As soon as Meeting closed, I got a call from John that his bike had broken down about 40 miles into his “century” (100 mile) trek and he needed my aid.
Of course the freeway between him and me was moving at 6-10 miles per hour. Sigh. Eventually finding John was joy, even if I wasn’t a happy camper along the way there.
Some days don’t go as we planned, do they?
I got home from the bike shop and had a bit of nap, puttered around in the garden, and was just plain lazy for a few hours.
I still haven’t regained that sense of serenity that I’d started the day with and hoped to carry with me all day long, but I suspect that it will return again tomorrow morning. And we’ll see what happens from there…