I feel like I need to plan something special towards the end of this month, to celebrate the fact that this is not last year, that John is not rushing home to see me admitted into the hospital, that I don’t have any surgery looming, and that I am HEALTHY.
Do ya’ll have any suggestions on a special way to celebrate?
(Oh, and let me just add that last night I steered our canoe on the most amazing swells so far–each one brought our boat up high and the nose crashed down with a resounding splash. We went out a few miles into the open ocean with just the roar of the waves and the quiet calling of the paddlers. I think the gals in the front of the boat were a bit spooked by the big swells–because they were staring down into the abyss as the canoe plunged downwards. Yet from my vantage point in the back it was like riding the most amazing and unpredictable roller-coaster, but I never had a moment of fear. I just kept looking out at that big wide ocean and I felt as if it was one of the most ‘real’ experiences of my life. I continue to marvel at just how wonderful and varied the ocean is, how amazing it is to be one with it and with the sky and with the wind. That sensation is more than I could ever have dreamed of a year ago!
PS: If you want to try your hand at paddling, our team is sponsoring event for just that and I’d love to have you join us! I’ll even steer your boat if you sign up!)