Life Mimics Art
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John just reminded me of this picture and I’d forgotten how much a love it! My kids are standing in a famous museum–does anyone know which one?
I love that you can see a Harry Potter book under GameBoy’s arm and a sketchpad in CatGirl’s. That speaks volumes about their personalities.
i’m guessing the louvre. i know i’ve seen those paintings and i think they were in paris, not london.
Yeah, the Louvre. We had “Summer” in my house growing up.
Yeah, definitely the Louvre
You people are so smart! I thought this would be hard to guess!
I wouldn’t have guessed the museum and can’t remember the name of the artist who did the “vegetable portraits”. I always did like them, though; that was one artist with a good sense of humor.
We were there just a few days ago! Recognized it right away. My kids were less impressed with the vegetable portraits than they were with all of the nekkid Roman and Greek god/goddess statues….