CatGirl recently celebrated her birthday with friends. It was a HOT day (over 80 degrees) and we enjoyed carrot cake cupcakes at a nearby shopping center. Even though the frosting was melting off of the cupcakes they were tasty!
I love to see how my kids are growing and becoming their unique selves. CG is more likely to read a “Ruby on Rails” book than to paint her fingernails red. She loves to recycle and to create. She sees everything–from a shiny bead in the crack of the sidewalk to the way I tell stories to John with my eyes. Whip-smart, generous, a good friend, a cracker of jokes, a lover of all things cat, a gifted artist (and did I mention that one of her most recent pastel drawings is on display at a local shopping center?). She is opinionated, sparkly, and good at nearly everything. She plays the flute so well that our neighbors applaud. She is kind and patient with younger children. She loves long hair, comfortable clothes and green/blue/purple (preferably in stripes or swirls all on the same shirt). She loves running her fingers over angora socks and cashmere sweaters. She writes with fancy pencils and strings beaded bracelets. CatGirl is certainly her own person. But I love that she is also mine. :)
1 comment
beautiful :)