We started our journey at 7:30 yesterday morning with a lift to the train station from Matt. We took a commuter train to Union Station, another train to Burbank airport, and then had a generous wait time until our flight. We then flew to Salt Lake City, had a one-hour layover, and finally landed in Durham, North Carolina just before midnight yesterday (local time).
This morning we drove for about 5 hours to the Outer Banks, and joined the rest of my siblings’ families and my Mom at a big beachhouse for a week of R&R.
So far, so good. We have feasted, played games, and teased the cousins. This evening we all took a quick dip in the Atlantic Ocean and affirmed that the water is just as cold here as in the Pacific (despite the Gulf Stream currents that C explained to us in such detail). :)
Tomorrow we look forward to Roanoke Island, an aquarium, seafood, a lighthouse and more beach time. It should be great fun :) I’ll have some flickr pics posted of our adventure soon….
The frogs, locusts, and other beasties are singing a chorus outside of our window. Their music is nearly deafening. But I suspect that I will still sleep well tonite.