- Last night I dreamed of ModPodge. And of songs about ModPodge. #THATCamp #craftcabinFTW #
- MT @PennamitePLR: @janaremy you mean the Analog Remix Lab & Game Theory Practicum? #dontmakeitsoundsofunitsunfundable #THATCamp //indeed! #
- Next #THATCampSoCal we want a Gaming Arcade next to the Craft Cabin! #beinganacademicissosofun #THATCamp #
- Whew…#THATCampSoCal is officially over now. What an awesome event. As always, amazed by the vigor & brilliance of DH'ers. #
- Just caught myself trying to set my iPhone alarm clock with a mapping app. It's official: #THATCamp wore me out today! #andstillmoretocome #
- RT @PhDeviate: Before heading to Haven pub, @janaremy and I will be taking #THATCamp catering leftovers to OC Rescue Mission. #THATGiving #
- Still a few timeslots left on tomorrow's #THATCamp schedule if you want to add a session: http://bit.ly/g1VV77 #
- Chicken & waffles at #THATCamp #whoknew? #
- RT @PhDeviate: #Freebase session is over, on now to the ACRONYMAPALOOZA that is (X)HTMLCSSXMLTEI! #THATCamp // ha!! :) #
- RT @hmprescott: Knitting Clio Daily is out! http://bit.ly/gYH4cm ▸ Top stories by @feminists @janaremy @dancohen @bikeshopgirlcom @dave_eby #
- Follow the #THATCamp hashtag today to see the tweets from the unconference that I'm chairing today! #
- RT @THATCampSoCal: The schedule for #THATCampLA http://bit.ly/g1VV77 // see you there! :) #
- Hosting @Phdeviate for #THATCampSoCal & looking forward for some Puerto Rican treats later tonite :) #
- the blossoms on my lime tree are so distractingly fragrant right now… http://brizzly.com/pic/43AJ #
- Now at #mla11 with two of the most brilliant emergent scholars in the house http://brizzly.com/pic/4381 #
- Don't forget: #THATCamp #mla11 meetup tonite,JWMarriott, Olympic 1, 8-10pm. All invited–even those w/o an MLA badge. Pls RT #
- RT @jbj:"Never doubt that a series of 140 character messages can change higher education. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has" #mla11 #
- I like my lattes with extra foam http://brizzly.com/pic/434Y #yumyumyum #
- It's really frustrating to cook in a kitchen w/half the stuff missing. Argh. At least he left the garlic, if not the olive oil #remydivorce #
- Can you folks in #309 #mla11 snap a few pictures with your phones? #Iwannaseeitformyself #
- RT @mlaconvention: Clarification: Because MLA MEMBERS do DH work and plan sessions for #mla11 All member driven. @janaremy #
- RT @FrostDavis: Online game, using @zotero, teaches citation skills: http://tinyurl.com/23srt8u // so cool!! #
- RT @jaheppler: "the PhD student is someone who forgoes current income in order to forgo future income" http://econ.st/icE1O4 //Indeed! #
- MT @cmleitch: People leaving previous session are talking about this newfangled "digital humanities" #mla11 //maybe at #aha2011 too? #
- Video: The oceans are werewolves. http://bit.ly/eMo47A (via @taojunky) #
Twitter Weekly Digest for @janaremy, 2011-01-14
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