We’re now catsitting a rolypoly half-manx kitty that loves snuggles. She’s been keeping John cozy all evening. Lucky us! Now the part-manxies* in the house outnumber (and perhaps outweigh) the part-japanese** members of the family. Mwahahahaah!
Quocunque Jeceris Stabit, my friends….
*My Mom’s family is Manx
**John’s Mom’s family is Japanese
I love that look on Kitty’s face.
Oh my gosh. I cannot wait to meet her. Seriously, I am so excited.
This is me holding Bobette’s scruff just a bit so that she looks up at the camera. :P
But wouldn’t that make your offspring part Japanese as well making the tally 3-2?? Or am I just a lurker and missing something completely…
manxies= catgirl, gameboy, bobette, me
japanese=John, gameboy, catgirl
Teh manxies rule!
Hmmmm…we could base it on proportion. Just how much Manx blood do you have in you? :P
It occurs to me that Bobette looks just slightly annoyed in that photo. Perfect catitude. Or would that be Purrrrfect?