We have these awesome friends that John literally met on a nearby street corner one day–I believe it was when they were all waiting at a crosswalk for the light to turn green.
These friends are smart and musically-talented and the wife was even raised a Quaker.
Life sure can be random that way…but I’m not complaining! :)
PS: Spent time with said friends tonite–you know you’re in good company when you hit a charades topic like “famous programmers,” there’s consensus that Amelie is a most perfect film, and nearly everyone joins in the Spanish Inquisition Monty Python sketch re-enactment (of which GameBoy was the star)…
funny how things work, isn’t it? We have friends who I met years ago in San Francisco. They ran the bike rental in Golden Gate Park and I walked by. We started talking…..
I wish I knew more people who thought Amélie was a perfect film.
Far too many I know haven’t even see it. Shocking, I know.
One of the many reasons I love actor John Hannah is his character, James, in “Sliding Doors” (another movie no one has seen) mentions the Spanish Inquisition sketch.
Isn’t the music from “Amelie” wonderful, too? We listened to the soundtrack a lot – before we donated the stereo, that is.
Amelie IS the most perfect film!!