In the very fine university hospital once again, this time with some surgery looming–tomorrow, perhaps, depending on how fast the grinding machinery that is medical bureaucracy moves in my direction.
I am cozily situated with my ASUS laptop, a gorgeous bouquet of flowers from my garden (arranged by Catgirl in a wee blue vase that was a gift from Brooke and always makes me smile). As I speak a massive dose of antibiotics are entering my veins, and I am looking forward to the sweet relief that they will bring (we won’t talk about the 8 different pokes that preceded said infusion–easy peasy, I say).
Big thanks to Amy, Ginger, Rebecca and all who are holding down the fort at our home. Huge hugs and kisses to John, too, for hurrying home from San Diego to be at my bedside. Nearly 20 years ago he sat by my side and nursed me through a mysterious ailment. I was awed by his bedside manner then, and remain so–feeling so buoyed by his strength and goodness.
Jana, Jana, oh no. I just heard from John White. I’m going to be stopping by your house tomorrow morning to see what you all need, but I want you to call me any time. I mean that – any, any, any time that the bogie man is bugging you, or whatever.
My thoughts and good vibes are with you.
I am so glad you have so many good friends and such a wonderful loving family to be by your side through this.
Sending love and light.
Hang in there, sweetie. Hope you don’t have to resort to the maggots, in spite of whatever intellectual curiosity that experience might sate.
Hope you are home with the kitties and flowers soon.
thinking of you, sending love and care, xo
I was devastated when I visited my mother in hospital last year (Gall bladder surgery) and they said we couldn’t bring her flowers as they’re not allowed on the wards in UK hospitals any more because of the risk of MRSA!
I was in hospital a lot as a child and the flowers my mother would bring always cheered me up. I had to make do with buying her a card with a lovely photo of flowers instead…