Random this is why we still have no Christmas card photo Attempt blank of whatever., originally uploaded by mind on fire. because I kept cracking up as Bonny was snapping pics… December 18, 2007 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
Random christmas for me me, originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl. I’m giving myself a month-long super-secret present for Christmas. Today was the first day of my gift. I’ll tell more later…. :) PS: this was me sitting on the beach at sunset last year on Christmas day. fun! December 18, 2007 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
Random my state persimmon, originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl. I’m in an agreeable state: busy, enthusiastic, curious.~Isabelle Adjani What’s your state? PS: I’m just loving these two colors right now. Persimmon orange and sky blue. YUM! December 18, 2007 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest