(a meme from Holly)
Select five people to tag:
1) madwoman
2) brookewill
3) laughtear
4) dora
5) chudacek
What were you doing 20 years ago?
I was a freshman in high school. I had a buzz cut (my hair was just growing out from chemo), that I spiked up sort of punk-like. Was dating Brady S. and writing for the school paper.
What were you doing 10 years ago?
Conceiving Baby #2. Enduring another awful Utah winter (do these somehow go hand-in-hand?)….
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Sweating through my first year year of full-time PhD coursework. Writing an article about Civil War amputees. Reading Marxist theory.
Five snacks you enjoy:
1. cookies (esp sugar cookies sans frosting)
2. ohagi
3. tea & scones
4. green olives stuffed w/pimento. straight out of the jar.
5. whatever john is eating (as long as it doesn’t reek of meat)
(more than) Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
1. “The Queen and the Soldier,” “Calypso” and “Ironbound/Fancy Poultry,” Suzanne Vega
2. “Wuthering Heights,” Kate Bush
3. “Roxanne” and “Russians,” Sting
4. “Annie’s Song” and “Rocky Mountain High,” John Denver
5. “Bridge Over Troubled Water” and “Sounds of Silence,” Simon & Garfunkel
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. travel to the Isle of Man
2. hire a personal masseuse
3. build a straw house (eco-friendly)
4. buy some beautiful bookshelves
5. master the French language
Five bad habits:
1. gnawing on the sides of my tongue when I’m nervous
2. piling books and papers (and shoes) on the table and in the corner of the LR
3. not giving my full attention to my kids when they’re talking to me
4. driving to school when I should take the shuttle
5. not answering the phone, even though I am often home (I hate talking on the phone)
Five things you like doing:
1. talking w/my outhouse friends
2. sitting in my garden and watching the bees in the lavender
3. eating fruit
4. being with John and my kids
5. exercising: lifting weights and swimming
Five things you would never wear again:
1. a cast (I hope)
2. 80’s glasses (like the clear round-ish ones I wore my soph year)
3. earrings w/dangling fruits (my 1st year of college–ACK!)
4. can’t think of anything else….
Five things that scare you:
1. Something awful happening to the kids or to John
2. rodents
3. gophers
4. ROUSS’s
5. my computer dying…
Five favorite toys:
1. ellycat and tobyjoy
2. junebug
3. retro turntable
4. dig camera
5. ingenuitea