Four jobs I’ve had in my life
-Legal Secretary (blech)
-Guardian (read: babysitter) for foreign high school students
-Janitor (for LDS Institute)
-coffeemaker/server for UCI cafe (funny, a Mo girl doing this job–the first day all of the coffee was full of grounds because I didn’t know about coffee filters. One customer told me that he really did like “chewing” his morning coffee)
Four movies I can watch over and over
-It’s a Wonderful Life
-George of the Jungle
-Princess Bride
-Lady Jane
-Moulin Rouge
[couldn’t stop at just 4…]
Four places I have lived
-Tulsa, OK
-Englewood, CO
-Salt Lake City, UT
-Bakersfield, CA
Four TV shows I love to watch
-What Not to Wear (what can I say, it makes me cry…)
-Deadwood (not for family viewing, but a must-see for a historian of the Am West)
-Thin Blue Line (super-funny Rowan Atkinson sitcom)
-Moonlighting (it’s a classic!)
Four places I have been on vacation
-Suzhou, China
-Paris, France
-The Isle of Man, UK
-Canterbury, England
Four of my favourite dishes
-Oatmeal w/fresh fruit from The Stand (vegan restaurant in Laguna Beach)
-Healthy Crunchy roll from SushiWave
-Portobello and ‘Sausage Burger’ at Native Foods
-anything John is cooking
Four websites I visit daily (besides mindonfire)
Four places I would rather be right now
-Cambria, waking up to the morning sun from our campsite in a grassy meadow, then heading off to the TeaCozy to get warm
-Paris, in the Rodin garden. With John, C & E at my side.
-Canterbury, enjoying the dawn chorus and seeing the morning sun reflecting off of the cathedral spires
-lying in a patch of sun taking a nap w/a cat on my back
-riding the electric train down the coast from Laxey, IOM. Where huge fuschia bushes grow wild along the tracks.