Yep, I’m a hypocrite.
As John said at dinner tonite, “Jana, you are the strangest vegetarian I’ve ever known.”
He said that over a meal of pork tenderloin (that had simmered all day long in our crockpot and was so moist it was almost impossible to serve). For whatever reason I’d decided that I wanted to have pork tenderloin for dinner. Which is particularly odd because I have never, to my knowledge, even so much as tasted pork tenderloin before.
But when I was searching the web for crockpot recipes I came across one that was pork tenderloin simmered in a balsamic vinegar/Dijon sauce that made my mouth water. So that’s why I added it to the weekly menu.
I wish I could’ve seen John’s face when he was standing at the grocery store and saw the 15th item on my list was a tenderloin roast [John does the grocery shopping each Saturday]. This, after buying such things as “chick’n”, meatless burgers, riblets, etc. He said he was pretty confused.
But, as I explained to John, I’m losing some of my orthodoxy. I like that I can say I’m vegetarian so no one will feel bad if I turn up my nose at _their_ meat. But I also want the freedom to choose to eat meat when I want to—on my own terms.
Yes, I know I’m a hypocrite. Yes, I’m sure the toes of all those true vegetarians out there are curling right now. And I’m sorry if you are offended, shocked, or disappointed in me.
But, in case you were wondering, the meat tasted wonderful.