For various reasons, we didn’t leave our house as fully prepared for our ‘home away from home’ adventure as we had planned to be. Part of it was the last minute rush. Part of it was that both John and I tried ‘earmark’ the food to be packed in our own ways, which resulted in much of it being left behind.
And we also didn’t want to go to a grocery store and buy a ton of food (trying to eat locally and all). So this is what we had for dinner tonite:
Pasta that was supposed to have some fresh tomato & basil sauce. Only we forgot the garlic (oops) and there were very few ripe tomatoes in the garden. So we had pasta w/mysterious sauce (satueed in a bit of olive oil and simmered until kinda mushy) of a few small tomatoes, yellow bell pepper, tomatillos, yellow squash, and chocolate peppers. With a few shavings of freshly grated parmesan on top. And a side salad of sliced cucumbers tossed w/a bit of sea salt. And a slice of bread toasted w/butter and bit of parmesan on the side (yum). All in all, hearty and good.
For dessert I sliced up the rest of the peaches that were nearly too ripe and tossed them with a sprinkle of sugar and a bit of butter. Then I crumbled some TJ’s vegan cookies on top. Except for the fact that the cookies burnt ever-so-slightly on top, it was super tasty!
The one thing I like best about our temporary home: I can see my garden from my bedroom window. What a gift. Despite all of the inconveniences of being away from our ‘stuff’ for a few days (and having limited internet access), we are enjoying ourselves immensely. :)